jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Are you ready to order?

Eating healthy is the best way to be fit and not to put on weight, together with weekly sport. It is said that Mediterranean Diet is a great method to achieve it, I mean, eating enough quantity of vegetables, fruits, cereals, pain, pasta, legumes, potatoes, etc.

Nonetheless, what is the main reason to start a diet? Feeling us healthier or staying in shape? This answer depends on each person, but, generally, people tend to take this decision with the goal of improve their appearances.

Honestly, I would say that I am fit but I do not have a balanced diet, what is so unhealthy. As I am concerned about it, I would like to cut down on junk food, such as: pizza, lasagna, fried potatoes, etc., In the same way, I consider that working out more frequently, would help me to start my new healthy lifestyle.

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